Painting Perfection?
On my walking tours of historic #Charleston, SC, I often take groups past 8 Legare Street, and the 1850’s house where I grew up. Although the house is no longer owned by my family, it does have lots of family memories that I cherish, such as in the picture I show people of my brothers and me from long. long ago. My mother was a very frugal women, and did not hire contractors when she had five sons to do the job. Here we are painting the stucco wall in front of the house back when I was about 10 years old, and that’s me with the hat in the foreground doing my best Tom Sawyer imitation. Needless to say, more of the paint went on us, the sidewalk, and any other kids passing by than on the wall itself, but it is one of those cherished memories of growing up in old Charleston. <img.src=”Charleston Memories” alt=”Boyhood Chores”

Posted on 02/24/2019 in Uncategorized