Medicinal Memories
There are a number of buildings in historic #Charleston that feature the look of a medieval castle. This style, known as castellated or crenelated, can be found at the old District Jail, the Slave Mart Museum and, as pictured here, at the Waring Historic Library. The Waring, as it is sometimes called, was built in 1894 near Ashley Avenue as part of Porter Military Academy. Because the mission of the academy was to school young boys in Christian ideals, the cross is prominently displayed on the exterior. The property was sold to the Medical University of South Carolina in 1966, and the old building was rededicated as a library for medical sciences, and named for Charleston physician Joseph Waring, who spent much of his career accumulating books, pamphlets and other educational materials focused on the advancement of medical science. <img.src=”Charleston Architecture” alt=”Waring Historic Library”

Posted on 11/19/2019 in Uncategorized